Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How can i get my hair to grow in shaggy almost as an emo haircut?

i have very thick hair only problem is when i brush it down it is imposible to keep it down. it slways pops up any suggestions?

How can i get my hair to grow in shaggy almost as an emo haircut?

It just needs thinning out that's all it's the weight of your hair which makes it impossible to keep down....

How can i get my hair to grow in shaggy almost as an emo haircut?

you dont grow shaggy hair you have to either

A) get your hair cut so it does what youre wanting it to. OR

B) straighten your hair and use hairspray.

talk to an emo kid with the hair you want.

How can i get my hair to grow in shaggy almost as an emo haircut?

visit the hairdressers and get them to do it

How can i get my hair to grow in shaggy almost as an emo haircut?

get it cut by someone who knows that style so they can cut it so your hair will continue to grow in that style and look oaky

also use a straightener to flatten it and any palmade stuff can give you that messy/shaggy look you want.

andddd pay attention to the hairdresser when he/she styles it!

How can i get my hair to grow in shaggy almost as an emo haircut?

i have very think hair too. if you go to a salon, ask them to thin your hair out in layers. they way they cut it, it keeps it from poofing out and going crazy. make sure to take in a picture or two of what you want and ask them the best way to maintain the style. communication with a hairstylist is the key!

How can i get my hair to grow in shaggy almost as an emo haircut?

When you go to get it cut ask for it to be textured.Mine is thick

and ilike the out of bed look.It works with thick hair.

How can i get my hair to grow in shaggy almost as an emo haircut?

Well, an emo hair cut isnt that complicated for any type of hair as long as you straighten it and use serum (this is the best kind-

Your best option is to go to a hair dresser with pictures of what you want and have them give you layers and have them teach you how to maintain the beast by way of straightening and using products like wax and serum.

I had the same problem =)

How do i tease my hair on top??? I am getting an Emo haircut. You know, short and choppy on top.?

With a longers layer that goes a lil past my shoulders. Anyways how do I get it to tease on top. I just caint seem to do it right!!! My hair is going to be a dark brown color. My mom won't let me go black! : (

Kinda like this;s...

How do i tease my hair on top??? I am getting an Emo haircut. You know, short and choppy on top.?

Teasing or backcombing hair

How do i tease my hair on top??? I am getting an Emo haircut. You know, short and choppy on top.?

To tease the hair on top just curl the hair then tease it, after that just over come and let it alone/ when you come the hair come toward the side a little not to much.

How do i tease my hair on top??? I am getting an Emo haircut. You know, short and choppy on top.?

Use a moose then blow dry for volume. Pick up a section on top then use an aerosol hairspray to spray the roots, then back comb as much as you can, then when you lay your hair back smooth out the top. Dark hair is harder to keep up so use a firm spray.

Good luck I like the cut!! Practise makes perfect and ask the hairdresser they will be happy to help.

How do i tease my hair on top??? I am getting an Emo haircut. You know, short and choppy on top.?

here is a link on how to tease hair. works great!

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?


Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

Longer is much sexier

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

shorter, cause they have long hair

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

shorter cause they like to cut things. hahaha get it???

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

emo guys don't like girls...and they will probably commit suicide and take you with them

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

Geeze, are your standards that low?

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

I would think shorter because it's less conformist, but longer allows the girl to hide her eyes from the cruel world.

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

emos are attention seeker or they have some serious emotional issues. oh well, it seems u like them like that. well most emos i see go out with normal girls , normal hair.

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?


Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?


Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

longer for sure. all guys do.

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

Emo guys... I never knew there were two sexes in those species.

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

Wouldnt they want short hair so the woman can be the man of the relationship while the man is the woman and kisses other guys. Isnt that how the whole wierdo freaky thing works?

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

Fill me in on what's an Emo person?

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

depends on the guy do what you want with your hair to make you happy dont worry about pleasing others first

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

emo mmm as long as its very dark colored he will like it ohh and long is better

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

Why would any decent sensible girl want to associate with these freaky weird emo guys? Associating with any of these creeps ruins your reputation. Is this what you want? What do your parents think?

Do emo guys like shorter or longer hair in girls?

Shave it all off, then approach the emo guy you like every day. Shout "DO YOU LIKE ME YET" (optional). One day, your hair will be exactly the right length and a magical romance will happen, with poetry and everything.

I have short, black, straight hair. How do I make it look emo?

Just wondering cause some people suggested I go emo/goth for a day (just for fun). (I act happy all the time.) Don't ask if I lost a bet...

I have short, black, straight hair. How do I make it look emo?

you cant without dye. He has scraggly red hair. And you misspelled Elmo also.

I have short, black, straight hair. How do I make it look emo?

stop. emo is not a hairstyle. its a stereotype. get it right.

I have short, black, straight hair. How do I make it look emo?

Put it to the side and in front of your face. If your hair is super short then maybe spike it in the back? Maybe a mohawk? Haha can you tell I'm not good at this? Yeah.. I sure can. Anyways.. Maybe go to Walmart or sally's and see if they have washable blond dye. If they do then put a blond streak in the part of hair that will be in your face/to the side. haha.

How do emo / scene kids cut their own hair?

Sissors and razors

How do emo / scene kids cut their own hair?

by taking scissors and cutting it like a barber would..

i cut my own hair what a mistake...only do it if you know what your doing.

How do emo / scene kids cut their own hair?

for the poof on top, i lifted some hairs up and chopped. go to my site my hair is not as cute as i want it but that has my pics.

I have red hair, but i want an emo cut, i want it med-long (3-4 in. below shoulder), n e pix?

i cant dye it but thats ok

I have red hair, but i want an emo cut, i want it med-long (3-4 in. below shoulder), n e pix?

hope this helps, scene hair cuts are WAAAAAY better,

I have red hair, but i want an emo cut, i want it med-long (3-4 in. below shoulder), n e pix?

I have red hair, but i want an emo cut, i want it med-long (3-4 in. below shoulder), n e pix?

i cant dye it but thats ok

I have red hair, but i want an emo cut, i want it med-long (3-4 in. below shoulder), n e pix?

hope this helps, scene hair cuts are WAAAAAY better,

I have red hair, but i want an emo cut, i want it med-long (3-4 in. below shoulder), n e pix?

How do I straighten my hair to make it look emo-ish?


How do I straighten my hair to make it look emo-ish?

Well, Emo-ish. Um, I'm not really emo, but I can help you out. Take a hair straightener or crimper and plug it in. Turn it on, and put it on TURBO if possible. After that, get some hairspray that is meant to hold straight hair and stop frizzing and spray it on your hands. Gently apply it to your hair in a "feathery" kind of motion so you're kind of spiking it up a bit. Then, straighten your hair, but straighten it outwards, and do the same thing with the hairspray again. Works best with short hair.

How do I straighten my hair to make it look emo-ish?

Well, this girl i know puts alot of hairspray at the ends of her hair(tips) and then straightens over it. It looks kinda stiff afterward 0_o?

How do I straighten my hair to make it look emo-ish?

Straighten your bangs over your face, usually to the right so they're literally sweeping. And for the rest, don't straighten it in a downwards direction, instead, straighten them outwards (make sense? i hope so x_x).

After that, you can pretty much use hairspray (never use gel for this look, it ruins it and it's too heavy) to get volume or to keep your hair flat. Also, if you have long-ish hair, try to straighten it so it's covering the back of your neck.

Just take a look at pictures, really (:

How do I straighten my hair to make it look emo-ish?

emo....hmm i have emo-ish hair...

do you have long enough hair to straighten? if so put some of your hair over 1 of your eyes.....put a bit of hairspray in there

im not sure if im explaining this right...but here are some pics....

What should I wear to look like an "emo" or whatever? How should I style my hair?

I love tans and lipsgloss and cascading curls on a wet body, so does that mean that the "emo" look is not for me?

My friend and I want a makeover for spring, so that's why.

What should I wear to look like an "emo" or whatever? How should I style my hair?

the new barbie mac makeup, spike your hair, tight pants and pretty ballerina dresses.

What should I wear to look like an "emo" or whatever? How should I style my hair?

first you must put on way way to much makeup. watch an old 80s music video you will see what i mean. then buy clothes that are about 3 sizes to small and in no way shape or form match. cry a lot. basically dress like you are trying to be punk but are not hardcore at all so you dont really know how to be punk. cascading curls and tans are sexy no matter what the season please do not go emo.

What should I wear to look like an "emo" or whatever? How should I style my hair?

well, i have been accused of being "emo" before (i wear my hair very long over 1 eye %26amp; have multiple facial piercings)... but i also luv to tan (i use a tanning bed year-round) %26amp; u can never have too much lipgloss!!!it`s not necessarily bad to be labeled "emo" but i prefer to be labeled as "me", with my own personality %26amp; tastes...depending on the other person`s view %26amp; their interpretation of stereotypes, i have been variously labeled as "emo", "punk", "goth", "rocker", %26amp; more!!! it doesn`t really matter what others think u are, it only matters what you yourself know u are!!! if u consider yourself "emo" then u are "emo"!!!

What should I wear to look like an "emo" or whatever? How should I style my hair?

Get bangs, wear black most of the time. Act sad(?) Uh, you get the picture.

What should I wear to look like an "emo" or whatever? How should I style my hair?

darken your hair, wear tight pants and converse sneakers, grow long bangs that will cover have your face. and too much eye liner, and wear pattern tees

What should I wear to look like an "emo" or whatever? How should I style my hair?

ewww dont be a poser. just get what you like to make your own style. you will ruin it for the real emo kids cause its not just a style its an expression!

What should I wear to look like an "emo" or whatever? How should I style my hair?

lame dont do it. youll just be called a poser. which it souds like you are. peple will get rely pissed off and the whole emo trend thing doesnt work on barbie dolls.. sorry. you may want to be depressed and tell everyone your life bites but get over yourself it doesnt. man do you annoy me

What should I wear to look like an "emo" or whatever? How should I style my hair?

Once again, answering this second question of yours...

You'll be called a poser. The 2 people above me are right.

I have very tight curly brown hair, but I want an emo hairstyle. What can I do?

die it black and/or straighten it, if you can. maybe even put a streak of red in there... if you can't, then just focus on other emo characteristics: clothes, attitude, accessories, etc...

I have very tight curly brown hair, but I want an emo hairstyle. What can I do?

Thanks alot! Report It

I have very tight curly brown hair, but I want an emo hairstyle. What can I do?

You blow dry and flat iron your hair straight. If you want a more permanent look you might want to relax your hair.

I have very tight curly brown hair, but I want an emo hairstyle. What can I do?

Try This website of emo hair cuts

And Rihanna's Hair cuts are really cute and brown and curly also

Good luck with the turn out i hope the best for you and your hair!

I have very tight curly brown hair, but I want an emo hairstyle. What can I do?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Emo Hairstyles

Hair Styles Tips

How can i cut my hair to make it look emo?

shorten it and make it choppy.

How can i cut my hair to make it look emo?

Well emo hair is usually black and some other random color. it's also crazily layered. I don't know how to explain this to you but just

search myspace for photos or go to " " and look at the pictures there.

OH YEAH and you can get side bangs if you'd like.

How can i cut my hair to make it look emo?

Isn't emo what people try to stray away from? I hope it's for a good cause. Go with the short look, down to the chin or shoulder length.

How can i cut my hair to make it look emo?

Why would u want to look emo?

How can i cut my hair to make it look emo?

make ur hair black and make ur bangs cover ur eyes

What kind of Hair do you like the most on a emo / punk boy?

do you like: Spikey black hair, or long black bangs???

I have spikey hair, it used to be purple and blue (got it dyed saturday and today i had to get it dyed black or brown / a natral color because of school rules) :"( :"(

which kinda hair do u like the most??

How would i get my hair in the non drastic emo style? it covers my eyes already but its very thick a

get it layered and thinned.

How would i get my hair in the non drastic emo style? it covers my eyes already but its very thick and wavy?

....sorry but google it that is the only thing that i can think of soorrrryyyy

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?


Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

Dont do it, be yourself!

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?


Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

if it looks cool to ya then go for it....doesnt mean ur emo tho =P

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

whats a emo haircut

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?


Emos. %26gt;:(

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

No, you probably will regret it if you're doing it 'cause everyone else is.

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

Whos getting emo haircuts?? No one in my class has an emo haircut, I mean the only person thats emo doesnt even have an emo haircut?? What are you talking about??

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

no i think they are ugly and what are you going to do when they are out of style. I would just layer my hair cuz it looks nice but it isn't ugly. If you like the emo haircuts then i would say go for it. If you don't like it then don't!

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

Do what you want with your hair, emo or not if you like it go for it. But dont do it, if you just want to follow a trend. That's lame.

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

what is emo? like an emu?

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

Do what you want.

You don't have to follow the trend, but if you want to, I guess thats cool.

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

why would you do what everyone else is doing??? If you REALLY like it then go for it...but if your only doing to fit in cause everyone else has that kind of a haircut it isnt a good idea, because ur gonna regret it

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

No way! I have really long, straight hair and I always get compliments on it. My sister (who is 15 and is a trend follower) was just telling me yesterday how I should chop it off and make it edgy and stuff - but I love my hair the way it is and so does my boyfriend! Keep what you like and what you think flatters your face and style.

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

Jesus Christ no. Emo is stupid. people who think emo is cool are just ostracizing themselves. Don't give in. Don't become worthless. For goodness sake don't wear skinny jeans if your a guy. And a note to emos you look ridiculous

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

Keep your style unless you are tired of it. Then if you really want it get it but if you are doing it just because everyone has one don't it is better to stand out then to blend in.

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

Trends will come and go. Get a haircut that compliments your face and suits your individual style. Also, ask yourself if you really want to have to style it a certain way every day. If you're not up for the work that's involved in a particular style, then don't bother getting it (I can speak from experience on this one). I asked myself this same question a few years ago but I decided to keep my hair the way it was, since I liked it and it suited me. Now I'm glad I did, since I'm not considered "one of the rest" who went and got emo haircuts (some of which look like they're straight out of the 80s--yikes!).

Good luck and best wishes.

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

well thats ur choice if you want something like that then go ahead but if you dont then dont my opinion hell no

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

Don't do it if you just want to be "trendy" too many people do this and then end up ruining their hair. If you like the hairstyle go for it, but don't do it because everyone else is.

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

if you live in england,,,yes.

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

Well, if you want to be a conformist, Sure.

But it depends on how you want it cut.

I wouldn't consider MOST 'Emo'

So, Whatever looks good on you, Go For it!

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

No, you should not follow the trend. You will look like a douche.

Why is everyone getting emo haircuts? I have straight hair, but should i follow this trend?

Only if you like it. Keep your hair hoe YOU want it. DOn't just get a haircut because "everyone" else is.

What kind of Hair do you like the most on a emo / punk boy?

do you like: Spikey black hair, or long black bangs???

I have spikey hair, it used to be purple and blue (got it dyed saturday and today i had to get it dyed black or brown / a natral color because of school rules) :"( :"(

which kinda hair do u like the most??

If I have wavy, frizzy hair can I get an emo cute also known as scene hair??

SURE!!! Anyone can get scene hair!!!!

They look great....

You can straighten it if you want, but you don't have to. Wavy hair looks great!!! Oh, and since you have frizzy hair, make sure that you use an De-Frizz Shampoo and Conditioner. Try SUNSILK. Good look with your new haircut!!!!

If I have wavy, frizzy hair can I get an emo cute also known as scene hair??

Straighten it and cut it and yes, anyone can have scene hair.

How do i tease my hair on top??? I am getting an Emo haircut. You know, short and choppy on top.?

With a longers layer that goes a lil past my shoulders. Anyways how do I get it to tease on top. I just caint seem to do it right!!! My hair is going to be a dark brown color. My mom won't let me go black! : (

Kinda like this;s...

How do i tease my hair on top??? I am getting an Emo haircut. You know, short and choppy on top.?

Teasing or backcombing hair

How do i tease my hair on top??? I am getting an Emo haircut. You know, short and choppy on top.?

To tease the hair on top just curl the hair then tease it, after that just over come and let it alone/ when you come the hair come toward the side a little not to much.

How do i tease my hair on top??? I am getting an Emo haircut. You know, short and choppy on top.?

Use a moose then blow dry for volume. Pick up a section on top then use an aerosol hairspray to spray the roots, then back comb as much as you can, then when you lay your hair back smooth out the top. Dark hair is harder to keep up so use a firm spray.

Good luck I like the cut!! Practise makes perfect and ask the hairdresser they will be happy to help.

How do i tease my hair on top??? I am getting an Emo haircut. You know, short and choppy on top.?

here is a link on how to tease hair. works great!

I need a gothic Emo Punk hairstyle for a not so short hair?

really need one cause i'm one...

and O btw i'm a boy so i need an Emo Gothic Punk style for boys.and i hope it's cool

I need a gothic Emo Punk hairstyle for a not so short hair?

Hope you end up with a decent hairstyle that fits who you are or the message you are trying to send. Hope you get to grow your hair a bit longer, for many styles it will need to be.

Ignore the flackers they are everywhere. Mind u if ur dad wont let u grow ur hair, I dont c him going for black, makeup and piercings, good luck

Be safe, be sage.

I need a gothic Emo Punk hairstyle for a not so short hair?

check out "emo bucket" there are tons of pictures of guys there.

I need a gothic Emo Punk hairstyle for a not so short hair?

well first of all, if you were emo you wouldnt admit it cause emo's dont like being labeled so your just a poser.


I need a gothic Emo Punk hairstyle for a not so short hair?

u cud dye ur hair black, then cut it into a mullet and spike the top lke a fowhawk.

I need a gothic Emo Punk hairstyle for a not so short hair?

dy ur hair black if it isnt already and gat a side fringe

chek out this pic its a good hair style

I need a gothic Emo Punk hairstyle for a not so short hair?

cool emo

I need a gothic Emo Punk hairstyle for a not so short hair?

layered like pete wentz with a strip of red or other color, thats hott.

or a mohawk

I need a gothic Emo Punk hairstyle for a not so short hair?

Make sure your hair is black then go to your hair dressers and get black extensions then get them cut to the extentions into a good lenghthed side fringe and get the extentions to cover your whole head and cut it to suit your peronality.

I need a gothic Emo Punk hairstyle for a not so short hair?

Ignore the girl that said your poser.

I think that a cut like this would good:

I need a gothic Emo Punk hairstyle for a not so short hair?

How about doing a Ryan Ross Ryhawk.

I need a gothic Emo Punk hairstyle for a not so short hair?

check this site

Do any of you think the emo look is out of control? Tight jeans, hair covering your eyes? just an example

Do any of you think the emo look is out of control? Tight jeans, hair covering your eyes?

i hate it death looks better!!

Do any of you think the emo look is out of control? Tight jeans, hair covering your eyes?

It's a fad....There's been worse....I mean, look at the 80'

Do any of you think the emo look is out of control? Tight jeans, hair covering your eyes?

No, I think it's hot.

Do any of you think the emo look is out of control? Tight jeans, hair covering your eyes?


Do any of you think the emo look is out of control? Tight jeans, hair covering your eyes?

idk..people can dress and act how they want.but it is kind of annoying to see people when they are all like mad at the world and stuff.

Do any of you think the emo look is out of control? Tight jeans, hair covering your eyes?

Well I don't like it. they have went to far. I see some that has it all together but some of them look dumb. I see few that cute or look human. Some people just can't emo...

Do any of you think the emo look is out of control? Tight jeans, hair covering your eyes?

This is an extremely controversial topic, but these things come and go, within the next 3 years i guaruntee it will all be old news. When skateboarding really hit off about 7 yrs ago over here, a tonne of people started dressing differently and wore what was labelled "skater" and this is going to be the same, the style became popular with certain people and within a few years it will all be old news and there will be some other big new style.

Do any of you think the emo look is out of control? Tight jeans, hair covering your eyes?

yeah its stupid

Do any of you think the emo look is out of control? Tight jeans, hair covering your eyes?

dude, that dude is friggen hot!!!!

i'm a girl and i cover my eyes with my hair, only my hair is blond, and it kinda looks emo, either way, the dudes pic is hot and i don't think the pic was "EMO" that you have stereotyped, he may have been "PUNK",

it would take an emo to know one....

Do any of you think the emo look is out of control? Tight jeans, hair covering your eyes?

thats not the emo look..thats the "scene" look. that dood was such a scene kid

Do any of you think the emo look is out of control? Tight jeans, hair covering your eyes?

When I see an emo kid, I go into siezures... it makes me want to drop a bomb on every mall in america. EMO KIDS MUST DIE!!!

I feel like it's an excuse to not cut your hair, and because you're too much of a pussy to be goth... you just call it EMO....

I don't dislike the look necessarily... kinda punk, kinda goth... not horrible... I dislike the attitude. Go see a shrink and get over your emotions... PLEASE!

Okay im lookin for a new hair style im leaning more towards the emo/scene styles HELP!?

i have a heart shaped face and im 14 years old so i dont want a adult cut or nothing and im not going to die my hair... soooo i have dirty blonde hair thats almost light brown... uhmm yeah! thanks anyone and everyone! pictures are strongly welcomed!

Okay im lookin for a new hair style im leaning more towards the emo/scene styles HELP!?

all emo/scene haircuts are essentially the following:

just ask for a haircut that incorporates layers. you want about two-three depending on the length of your hair. you want to mention the layers should look "choppy." you'll also want to ask for side-bangs.

that should treat you well, and whatever you do - no matter how cool you think the "scene mullet" thing is, please don't do it. that hairstyle is really ridiculous.

Okay im lookin for a new hair style im leaning more towards the emo/scene styles HELP!?

I think that you should go to the hairdressers and ask them what woul suit you. Miss Ward ... x

Emo Guyz perferable but guyz all around, what hair?

Would you like black hair that comes down 2 about 2 inches off the shoulder maybe a little longer in the front? Or what hair styles r u most attracted 2?

Emo Guyz perferable but guyz all around, what hair?

Why are you going to be one of those girls who changes herself to please a man, instead of just being herself?

Emo Guyz perferable but guyz all around, what hair?

as long as you go to bed with me, wear it any way you want babes.

Emo Guyz perferable but guyz all around, what hair?

what is with this emo stuff its freaking weird

Emo Guyz perferable but guyz all around, what hair?

I LOVVEE brunettes.. idk why im just really attracted to it. um, i like hair a little over shoulder length on a girl, whats really hot is when its long, and they flip some of it on one side over to the other... Uhhhgh.. love it.

Emo Guyz perferable but guyz all around, what hair?

be ur natural self and feel happy abt how u look , guyz will naturally get attracted to u! It often happens that we dont get what we crave for but the moment we leave that craving and forget about it, we just tend to get it w/o any effort!!!!!!!

How do i look emo iv allready got the hair right, but what do i need for clothes?

I allready got a couple band sleeve shirts and black shirts, but what else is good?

How do i look emo iv allready got the hair right, but what do i need for clothes?

you WANT to be emo?

... okay....

Try some striped jumpers

Tight Jeans, Tight Shirts

A thin zip up hoodie



How do i look emo iv allready got the hair right, but what do i need for clothes?

the shoes

How do i look emo iv allready got the hair right, but what do i need for clothes?

why are you posing?

How do i look emo iv allready got the hair right, but what do i need for clothes?

why do you want to be Emo it is so ugly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do i look emo iv allready got the hair right, but what do i need for clothes?

wow i seriously dont no how many times this question has been ask. "how can i be emo/punk/scene/goth/skater" get some style and dont try to b just wat ever some1 else is trying to b cuz then everyone will just think ur a poser.

I'm getting my hair cut.iwant it an emo haircut.what kinda emo hairstyle do u think suit me.?

oh yea my pics.

look at

da 2nd pic da one in brown.

I'm getting my hair cut.iwant it an emo haircut.what kinda emo hairstyle do u think suit me.?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Emo Hairstyles

I'm getting my hair cut.iwant it an emo haircut.what kinda emo hairstyle do u think suit me.?

not sure maybe

I'm getting my hair cut.iwant it an emo haircut.what kinda emo hairstyle do u think suit me.?

Go to Photobucket and search emo or scene hair.

Blonde layerd hair, a bit below shoulders, blonde in it, emo cut.. side bangs, i need help with stly

okay so , i have brown hair, about7 layers blonde underneath the side bangs and a couple underneath my hair, i dont know how to style it well, can someone send a link to good pictures or somethiing, my backcombin is really messy, and i dont know how to get it to stay up like i use hair spray, but then it looks like crap, please heeeelp:) thanks you

Blonde layerd hair, a bit below shoulders, blonde in it, emo cut.. side bangs, i need help with stlyeing it?

for pictures go to emobucket its sorta like photobucket but emo and fer styling use lots of hair spay and then rat is with a comb

Blonde layerd hair, a bit below shoulders, blonde in it, emo cut.. side bangs, i need help with stlyeing it?


and hair wax to make it look peicey hott.

I dont like getting up early in the morning to do my hair. i want to cut it emo style. i need pix?

i need a lot of pix to convince me to get up early to do my hair. i have medium length, and are willing ot cut it short. no color, though, i love my natural hair. can anyone give me some help with finding these pix?

I dont like getting up early in the morning to do my hair. i want to cut it emo style. i need pix?

I have short, black, straight hair. How do I make it look emo?

Just wondering cause some people suggested I go emo/goth for a day (just for fun). (I act happy all the time.) Don't ask if I lost a bet...

I have short, black, straight hair. How do I make it look emo?

you cant without dye. He has scraggly red hair. And you misspelled Elmo also.

I have short, black, straight hair. How do I make it look emo?

stop. emo is not a hairstyle. its a stereotype. get it right.

I have short, black, straight hair. How do I make it look emo?

Put it to the side and in front of your face. If your hair is super short then maybe spike it in the back? Maybe a mohawk? Haha can you tell I'm not good at this? Yeah.. I sure can. Anyways.. Maybe go to Walmart or sally's and see if they have washable blond dye. If they do then put a blond streak in the part of hair that will be in your face/to the side. haha.

Is it possible for a Emo to have wavy/curly hair?

i was just wondering because i have never seen it

Is it possible for a Emo to have wavy/curly hair?

an emo? for the freaking love of all that is holy, why the heck are these people considered "emo" or "emotional."

im 17 and i think its insane. okay, so a group of kids like to wear black and straighten their hair and dye it, or they wear band shirts and spiked belts...who the heck cares?

yeah they can have curly hair. they can have blue hair, blonde hair, dark skin, light skin, purple dots all over their backs for all anyone cares...

they dont walk around going "you know, im emo so i should probably straighten my hair a little more..."

get rid of the word "emo." its like "jock." can a jock have curly hair? uuuummm yeah pretty much.

Is it possible for a Emo to have wavy/curly hair?


we always have super strait hair...

Is it possible for a Emo to have wavy/curly hair?;q=...

the first one!!!

Is it possible for a Emo to have wavy/curly hair?

it depends i guess. But mostly its stick straight black hair.

Is it possible for a Emo to have wavy/curly hair?

Yes, it's quite possilbe, because emo's are people too (even though we sometimes forget that, because of how annoying they are), they can come in all different races and sertanily different hair styles.

Is it possible for a Emo to have wavy/curly hair?

yes...they are not one race with one type of hair, emo is just a title/stereotype

Is it possible for a Emo to have wavy/curly hair?

Yeah, it's possible.

This guy I know who I think you would consider "emo" has curly hair ...but he dresses like an "emo".

I want a scene/emo haircut since I'm tired of my hair so can anyone help me please?

Okay, I was looking for scene hairstyles (I'm a girl btw) last night and I couldn't find any I really really liked, so I was wondering if you guys could help me out.

I look like this:

(my hair is shorter in the back by a little tiny bit)

So I know my hair is kinda short and I don't want to get it super short and stuff, I was hoping to keep the length or go a little bit shorter.

I would prefer if you put up links to pictures, but you can also put a description if you want.

I would really like to have bangs that cover up one eye, like most of the hairstyles do. I cannot dye it any colors either since my mom hates hair coloring.

So please help me out! Thanks.

I want a scene/emo haircut since I'm tired of my hair so can anyone help me please?

your link doesn't work but have you tried photobucket for emo/scene hairstyles or forums/livingwithstyle they have some great ones on there.....

I want a scene/emo haircut since I'm tired of my hair so can anyone help me please?

ur link doesnt work

I want a scene/emo haircut since I'm tired of my hair so can anyone help me please?

yr link dont work

I want a scene/emo haircut since I'm tired of my hair so can anyone help me please?

ide suggest short eye covering bangs and dye the front red and the back black.

I want a scene/emo haircut since I'm tired of my hair so can anyone help me please?

get a short fringe. bit of length on the sides to straighten and put forward and keep a bit of mullet style hair to straighten and push forward. get it heavily layered on top. your link sucks.

Why do emo's cut their skin but not their hair?

I always hear these pansy's saying "yeah i cut my legs, and sometimes my wrists" but are they always finished cutting before htey get to their nasty hair? Maybe they can cut their hair first, then cut thereselves...then maybe they can jump in a shower right?

Why do emo's cut their skin but not their hair?

Haha, I love it.

Why do emo's cut their skin but not their hair?

because the like to feel like they are diffrent then the rest of us that do cut our hair

Why do emo's cut their skin but not their hair?

haha yeah

Why do emo's cut their skin but not their hair?

ha ha..i have no clue...they probably just wanna feel the pain

Why do emo's cut their skin but not their hair?

I didnt know it was "emos" that cut themselves.

I dont understand that principle of cutting of ones own flesh, for pleasure... Seems awful painful to me, as when I get injured by doing some work, it hurts like something I rather forget!

Maybe you can offer to pay for a barber for them? Or is it a "stylist" now?

I wish you well..


Why do emo's cut their skin but not their hair?

They cut themselves because they believe that it's the only pain they can control and sometimes to help payback the pain they caused others like making it fair. And not all emo's are cutter. And not all cutters have long hair. I know 2 girls who do. One with long hair and one with short hair.

Why do emo's cut their skin but not their hair?

at least they look good and they know it too.

Why do emo's cut their skin but not their hair?

There is a desperate struggle within a percentage of today's adolescents to be individual. This is a struggle which occurs in all adolescents, it's called puberty.

The struggle itself is currently manifesting itself as the emo group: people who feel they don't fit into any predefined social grouping and so have invented their own social grouping in which to appear different to everyone else. Except, of course, they just all look like one another.

This inner turmoil which urges them to be different also berrates them for not fitting in. They feel wrong for not fitting in and so, some of those with more self-centred tendencies like to cut themselves. It's not only because they don't fit in, but also another way of appearing individual.

All these children who identify themselves as 'emos' actually want is attention and spend all their energies by trying to achieve this, however the only end result is to look pretty pathetic and two-dimensional and incapable of dealing with a phase of their lives which everyone else has to deal with too.

Emo a curly,thick .frizz hair?

what easy-to-do hairstyle that looks neat and good.....with the bangs in one side ..but the rest of the hair????

Emo a curly,thick .frizz hair?

It would be helpful if i knew if you were male or female?

For female hair,

Try straighteners.

For male hair,

the one in the middle, he has cool hair. I forgot his name though.

And why is this question in the music section?

Emo a curly,thick .frizz hair?

I guess what my kid asks me to help with sometimes-use products and a good straightening iron.

Emo a curly,thick .frizz hair?

A straightener and a side part

Emo a curly,thick .frizz hair?

yeah. you cant have really curly hair for the generic emo look.

you should straighten it. theres a way to get it permanently straightened too called a Japanese Perm.

i hope you get the style your looking for! =]

[though i dont see how emo exists anymore, but i won't rant about that.]

I want a hair cut thats short, maybe a little emo, but really choppy anyone got good pics of any?!?

Oh my hair will prolly be red by the time i cut it, if that makes a difference.

I want a hair cut thats short, maybe a little emo, but really choppy anyone got good pics of any?!?


閳?br>I want a hair cut thats short, maybe a little emo, but really choppy anyone got good pics of any?!?

How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?

don't cut it if you've never cut hair before. bad mistake.

How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?

Doesn't magtter how you cut it. You just have to use real human tears to style it...

How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?

dont cut it if you dont know what your doing. short hair is easy to see mistakes on...emo styles have a lot of layers and different leave it to a pro

How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?


How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?

however you cut it he'll still cry afterwards...

I crack myself up

How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?

Only if you really, really like the style otherwise ask your hairstylist what style will most suit you and check a picture of it first

How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?

then don't cut his hair. plain and simple. tell him to fork out the 10 bucks at great clips if he's that cheap to get his friend to do it for free.

How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?

if you never have cut hair before you probably shouldn't cut his but if you already gave your word you should first go to a hair salon book an appointment then instead of getting a hari cut ask them advice and directions

How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?

LOL, dont cut an emos hair, just gel it all forward.

How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?

go to and look for pete wentz he has emo hair :)

How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?

well dont be too worried..after all emo means basically " i dont care".... so why not SHOW IT... but by all means..... do your best even if your best SUCKS.

How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?

does he know you never have b4? if so fun with it thats what he gets lol

How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?

emo huh? scissors,a shaver and a salad bowl, should work nicely..good luck!

How should i cut my friends hair he says he wants it emo style (ive never cut hair before)?

dont do it ull ruin his hair u never cut hair so dont do it

I have thick hair and I was wondering if an emo hairstyle would work okay with my hair?

I was going to have a side sweeping fringe and my hair brushed from the back to the front if that makes sense :S with like short layers. I have hair straighteners and really thick hair do you think this would work well with my hair type?

(Like above)

Thanks :D

I have thick hair and I was wondering if an emo hairstyle would work okay with my hair?

Wow thats a really nice haircut (in the pic!) if you have thick hair just ask the hairdresser the thin it out for you! its easy go for the haircut its really cute =]]

I have thick hair and I was wondering if an emo hairstyle would work okay with my hair?

yeah u should, an emo style would look good, u should dye it too.

I have thick hair and I was wondering if an emo hairstyle would work okay with my hair?


Get your hair thined out from your hairdresser first.And I wont be a thick and look better.=]

I have thick hair and I was wondering if an emo hairstyle would work okay with my hair?

i think the hair style would be great

Emo/punk hairstyle for curly hair?

well if you want an emo/ punk style, you have to straighten yer hair. no matter what. or else, yer just a poser.

Emo/punk hairstyle for curly hair?

here's what you.............. straighten your hair and then cut your hair to the side so that it covers your eye and the then get layers then dye it jet black

Emo/punk hairstyle for curly hair?

The white boy fro, thats what its all about

Emo/punk hairstyle for curly hair?

check here...

Emo/punk hairstyle for curly hair?

If you have curly hair it will take a little more effort to get the style you want. Cut you're hair the way you like it. Get a de-frizzer. Apply the de-frizzer on you're towel dried hair then proceed to straighten you're hair. When you straighten you're hair use a spray called heat defender it helps from to much heat damage. Also pull away from you're face when you straighten it. When you do that you are pulling away from the curl making it straight!

Good luck:)

What are some good emo haircuts for medium-long hair with a side swept bang or without it?

some pics please and the names of the haircuts

What are some good emo haircuts for medium-long hair with a side swept bang or without it?

dye it black!

What are some good emo haircuts for medium-long hair with a side swept bang or without it?

aaaahhhhh no more emo's..god.

What are some good emo haircuts for medium-long hair with a side swept bang or without it?

here are some pictures of emo haircuts (not sure what theyre called... emo haircut i think lol)

What are some good emo haircuts for medium-long hair with a side swept bang or without it?

emo huh....try some black nail-polish in it ~~~

What are some good emo haircuts for medium-long hair with a side swept bang or without it?

Why? EMO is not just means you look like millions of others. Do something different. Don't be follower, be a leader!!

What are some good emo haircuts for medium-long hair with a side swept bang or without it?

Um...just straight hair with black dye.

What are some good emo haircuts for medium-long hair with a side swept bang or without it?

short and black or some off the wall color with maybe some cool color highlights what ever you think is emo

What are some good emo haircuts for medium-long hair with a side swept bang or without it?

I don't know what it's called but I think it would look ace on a girl!!!

K bye

How can i have an emo look? from make up,hair, accesories, shoes, & outfits?

is there any site where i can actually see it?

How can i have an emo look? from make up,hair, accesories, shoes, %26amp; outfits?

Ok well

Dye your hair Black and have it cut in a really cool style eg a girls mullet if your a boy try a bobbed cut

put some bright colour in your hair just accentricly not too much

wear mascara, eyeliner,maybe some eyeshadow

remember the hair has to look black but with a spontanious spurt of green or purple lol ,


wear cool sort of skater/dark clothes, always listen to your ipod and never talk to someone oh and draw pictures of dead stuff and have to much teenage angst!

good luck..

How can i have an emo look? from make up,hair, accesories, shoes, %26amp; outfits?

Why would you want that stupid look?

How can i have an emo look? from make up,hair, accesories, shoes, %26amp; outfits?

Do you really have to ask. I'm sure you could just go to school and see tons of kids being emo. That is the trend now isn't it. I saw a shirt the other day that said "I wish my grass was emo so it would cut itself"

How can i have an emo look? from make up,hair, accesories, shoes, %26amp; outfits?

ok well coming from a emo/scene girl this is what you need:

-skinny jeans are a must

-band tees


-chucks and vans

-colorful eye makeup (hot topic has an amazing collection)

-black eyeliner

-a fringe over one eye

-multi colored hair



-polka dots, stripes, leggings

-headbands, little kid barrettes and bows

-most emo/scene people are sXe and vegan or vegetarian

-bandanas tied around the neck or in your hair

-dinosaurs are so rad!!

-lip piercings

-and you gotta attend rock shows...if your emo/scene then you live for those kind of things

How can i have an emo look? from make up,hair, accesories, shoes, %26amp; outfits?

something i'm good at is evrything and super quiet, you can't just dress up like something and not be it though so you'd have to be emotional all the time and listen to emo bands for instance aiden, hawthorne heights, silverstein, and the first my chemical romance good luck being emo, poser

How can i have an emo look? from make up,hair, accesories, shoes, %26amp; outfits?

To:Symbiote_Gerard, you aren't very good at being quiet unless your mad about something. And don't be calling her a poser unless she suddenly says she cuts herself now. The look is awesome, and her dressing like that doesn't make her a poser.

P.S. That black and white tie and suit you wear to school looks retarded!!!

But anyway, I wouldn't try to be emo if you really aren't. Emos are pretty weird and alot of people throughout the school say bad stuff about them.

I don't like emos, I think they're freaks. (not you though)

I need a cute hairstyle quick! kinda emo ish. kinda punk . medium or short hair. please help!!!!!!!! kinda like this one. send me pics please.

I need a cute hairstyle quick! kinda emo ish. kinda punk . medium or short hair. please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or just look through all the pages

I need a cute hairstyle quick! kinda emo ish. kinda punk . medium or short hair. please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hair Styles Tips -medium or short-emo

Where i can find emo punk hairstyles for medium hair?

Click on the arrows on the page to view different styles. (Took me a few minutes to figure that out.) Hope you find one you love!

Where i can find emo punk hairstyles for medium hair?

you dont need a website. dye it black, cut it shorter in the back and striaghten your long bangs infront of your face. As for punk that's a whole different scenestyle.

I need a cute hairstyle quick! kinda emo ish. kinda punk . medium or short hair. please help!!!!!!!! kinda like this one. send me pics please.

I need a cute hairstyle quick! kinda emo ish. kinda punk . medium or short hair. please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or just look through all the pages

I need a cute hairstyle quick! kinda emo ish. kinda punk . medium or short hair. please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hair Styles Tips -medium or short-emo

I need a cute hairstyle quick! kinda emo ish. kinda punk . medium or short hair. please help!!!!!!!! kinda like this one. send me pics please.

I need a cute hairstyle quick! kinda emo ish. kinda punk . medium or short hair. please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or just look through all the pages

I need a cute hairstyle quick! kinda emo ish. kinda punk . medium or short hair. please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hair Styles Tips -medium or short-emo

My hair is rather thick and short but I am trying to make my hair what some people may call emo. How

I have thick, jet-black dyed hair right now. I need to redye due to my roots and would like to get some blue, red, or possibly green colors mixed in. The problem is that my hair is pretty short and thick. I definitely will get my hair thinned out but I'm sure how to approach the shortness. Where would the colored dye go? Also, because I am trying to grow my hair and after the bangs grow lengthier than an inch the start to curl, so, how can I easily straighten my hair.

I realize I'm asking a lot but I would like you to answer anything you can.

My hair is rather thick and short but I am trying to make my hair what some people may call emo. How should I?

for ur straightening problems use a flat iron and dnt wash ur bangs everyday. eventually they will become naturally straighter. To grow yer hair faster use mane and tail shampoo nd conditioner. nd u shouldnt hav to worry about the color at all it should b fine.

My hair is rather thick and short but I am trying to make my hair what some people may call emo. How should I?

If people call you emo why dont you just say "arent you and emo also"? its a good thing for a comeback and then think of more good disses

My hair is rather thick and short but I am trying to make my hair what some people may call emo. How should I?

The question shouldn't be How? - it should be Why? For gods sake WHY!!!!!!

How can I get my hair to be all emo?


Please help

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

Cut it.

Haha, was a joke. :)

Take a second to think about it.

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

Be yourself, my oh my

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

you dont want emo hair.

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

why do you want to be emo! OMG!

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

did you try diening it black and maybe getting a mohwak or something

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

Are you serious? =P

Hair cant be emo, you shouldn't even get "emo" hair cause you don't even know how and when to use the word emo. You don't know what emo is, because your not using it correctly.

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

u shouldnt get emo hair if ur not emo. be urself. ur obviously not doing that

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

Dye it black and make it cry

How can I get my hair to be all emo?


How can I get my hair to be all emo?

die it black and have side bangs covering your right eye.

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

hm you outa find a cute hairstyle you want and then just add some stuff you think would be cute so its unique. tons of people have what is now called the "emo" hair even though its not really has become a certain way of dressing and hair style which SUCKS cuz thats not really what it is. a hairstyle doesnt make someone "emo" people are better off without labels..but if you had to use that to describe the hair you wanted...then...anyways..theirs tons of variety.

personally i think you should maybe get layers and put colors in. if you want do the bang flippy thing. it doesnt look right on everyone though. maybe do temporary hair dye or the kind that wash out after u shower so you can experiment ^_^

dont do the EXACT same hairstyle you see everywhere. improvise!! ^_^

look thro magizines and pictures online and mix some stuff. like maybe some short hair with some long colorful pieces. and of corse tons of little cute clips to go with it.

Anywho. like i said improvise!! add your own uniqueness to it! ^__^


How can I get my hair to be all emo?

1. Condition it and blow dry it to lock in the moisture

2. Highlight it

3. Straighten it

4. style it to whatever you want (you have a choice beyond choice here, its your decision)

Good luck!!

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

Just die it black and wear it down.

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

ah, is there an emo category you could ask this of? I don't know that much about emo...........but, just don't start cuttin' on yourself......

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

if u really wanna be emo, die ur hair jet black and add purple or blue, or just about any colored streaks. heres some emo hairstyles.

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

Take a pair of scissors and go wild...

Worked for me.

How can I get my hair to be all emo?

don't let a old woman cut it or you won't have any left! lmao

Does anyone now an emo scene hairdo for short hair?

i want it to be colorful and original u can give me links

Does anyone now an emo scene hairdo for short hair?

check the web just type it in on ask

Does anyone now an emo scene hairdo for short hair?

If you consider yourself "EMO" then you wouldn't have to ask. So figure it out for yourself!

Does anyone now an emo scene hairdo for short hair?

emos are normally seen with dark black hair.

give it a try =)

Does anyone now an emo scene hairdo for short hair?

No links or pics, sorry, but you can spike up the back, but keep the front straight. I did that alot when I had short hair.

Note: To get awsome spikes that'll stay, twist them and spray maximum hold hairsray on them.

Does anyone now an emo scene hairdo for short hair?

If i added a swoop to my hair would i look emo?

Im the one in the middle

If i added a swoop to my hair would i look emo?

I'm not an Emo and thats how my hair is.

If i added a swoop to my hair would i look emo?

um probably. from the way it looks like u dress, the swoop may cause suspicions.

If i added a swoop to my hair would i look emo?

Unfortunately u might but who wutever u want to do...if ppl r gonna judge u as a person on how u wear ur hair then screw them.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Have your cosmetic and hair dye stocks gone up since emo became a fad?

My girlfriend uses a dark hair dye and since Emoism has hit mother earth there's been times when you cant find the stuff.

Have your cosmetic and hair dye stocks gone up since emo became a fad?

Although it may seem a big fad to you since you are living in it, in the realm of a global marketplace, emoism isn't even a blip on financial radar.

Emo/punk hairstyle for curly hair?

well if you want an emo/ punk style, you have to straighten yer hair. no matter what. or else, yer just a poser.

Emo/punk hairstyle for curly hair?

here's what you.............. straighten your hair and then cut your hair to the side so that it covers your eye and the then get layers then dye it jet black

Emo/punk hairstyle for curly hair?

The white boy fro, thats what its all about

Emo/punk hairstyle for curly hair?

check here...

Emo/punk hairstyle for curly hair?

If you have curly hair it will take a little more effort to get the style you want. Cut you're hair the way you like it. Get a de-frizzer. Apply the de-frizzer on you're towel dried hair then proceed to straighten you're hair. When you straighten you're hair use a spray called heat defender it helps from to much heat damage. Also pull away from you're face when you straighten it. When you do that you are pulling away from the curl making it straight!

Good luck:)

Emo/scene what should i dye my hair ?

i have pale skin

lightish brown hair ,

i realy want black hair

but i dont want to do it all at once

and blond in it

but i'm scared ill get teesed ?

help ?

Emo/scene what should i dye my hair ?

Dye it dark brown first to see how you look with dark hair, use a semi dye so it can fade. Then dye it black if you think dark hair suits you. As you get more confident with it put in a few streaks of blonde.

Emo/scene what should i dye my hair ?

will you can dye your hair black with red strike or blond with blue strike.

Emo/scene what should i dye my hair ?

dye it all black first. then put in whatever color highlights u want. it would look cute.

Emo/scene what should i dye my hair ?

rainbow coloured! just kidding, black with red and green streaks :]

Emo/scene what should i dye my hair ?

You wont get teased. Maybe you could put black streaks in first with your light brown hair and see how people like it and if they critisize that bad, then dont go with the full head of black BUT do what you want and what makes you comfortable.

If you do go with the full head of black then i think put pink and blonde streaks in it =) That would look awesome.

Emo/scene what should i dye my hair ?

if u like it do it, the other ppl r GELLUS!

Emo/scene what should i dye my hair ?

I like the blonde hair idea with blue =] Or the black idea with red.

Emo/scene what should i dye my hair ?

first day it dark brown. see how you like it. then dye it black if you decide you still want to. doing it in steps will make it more subtle and not so drastic. you'll give people time to get used to it in steps and hopefully you will not get teased. And if you do. tell them you are fabulous and you dont care what they think : )

Getting hair cut on Thursday, thinking about Emo/scene cut?

i'm a girl, i have short-ish hair already, it's brown and i'm hoping you guys can help me find a good cut for me! suggestions welcomed!

Getting hair cut on Thursday, thinking about Emo/scene cut?

This is a seriously great site for haircuts!

This one is my fave out of all of them!

Getting hair cut on Thursday, thinking about Emo/scene cut?


Get like, shortish [to where you can semi-spike it] in the back, and long in the front, so itll go in front of your face.

I've always wanted hair like that,

but my hairs really coarse/curly/frizzy,

and it wouldnt work out.


Getting hair cut on Thursday, thinking about Emo/scene cut?

shorter in the back and longer in the front with a lot of choppy layers

Getting hair cut on Thursday, thinking about Emo/scene cut?

Me too! Well I would go with scene, because I don't really like emo hair, but here are some I am think about, and maybe you'd like them too?

- without the colors

or Hayley from Paramore

- But none of those colors! Just the cuts.

Getting hair cut on Thursday, thinking about Emo/scene cut?

not trying to be mean but...poser

Help? i have really thick hair and i need an interesting emo style for it. pics please?

i have layered shoulder lenght hair with side bangs. i'm indian so my skin is tanned but not to much. it's like my avatars. also i'm to young to dye my hair, but it's dark brown so it looks black. i don't want to style to be to short and it will have to be something i might beable to convince my mom to get done. thanks, i know i've added a lot

Help? i have really thick hair and i need an interesting emo style for it. pics please?

there are alot of options for your hair, but im not completly sure EXACTLY what you want. from what youve said i would search "scene hair" on yahoo or google images. that should give you plenty of ideas. im sure it will look great on you. hope this helped and good luck ^_^

Help? i have really thick hair and i need an interesting emo style for it. pics please?

Sounds like you really have a tuff life.

Help? i have really thick hair and i need an interesting emo style for it. pics please?

I am not very good trying to find some emo hair idea's but here are some I thought you might like.

I have thick hair and I was wondering if an emo hairstyle would work okay with my hair?

I was going to have a side sweeping fringe and my hair brushed from the back to the front if that makes sense :S with like short layers. I have hair straighteners and really thick hair do you think this would work well with my hair type?

(Like above)

Thanks :D

I have thick hair and I was wondering if an emo hairstyle would work okay with my hair?

Wow thats a really nice haircut (in the pic!) if you have thick hair just ask the hairdresser the thin it out for you! its easy go for the haircut its really cute =]]

I have thick hair and I was wondering if an emo hairstyle would work okay with my hair?

yeah u should, an emo style would look good, u should dye it too.

I have thick hair and I was wondering if an emo hairstyle would work okay with my hair?


Get your hair thined out from your hairdresser first.And I wont be a thick and look better.=]

I have thick hair and I was wondering if an emo hairstyle would work okay with my hair?

i think the hair style would be great

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

And what's it called? Here's a pic...


How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

ask the emo people maybe they might know

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

wear a wig or ask a hairdresser if they can do it.

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

go to greatclips:]

they screw hair up like that

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

a hair cut

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

lots of coloration?

not really a hair person...

ask an emo chick.

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

Um, dye it black, which kills your hair, then don't wash it or brush it for about a week by the looks of it, and voila! emo hair!

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

Make your bangs be over one of your eyes thats what my friend does and she is emo and she looks major emo!

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

That looks like a hard style.

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

any hair dresser can do it for you it aint hard just a lot of thining!

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

Print off the picture, and bring it to a hairstylist. They should be able to do it buy looking at your picture.

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

dye it black and lots of hairspay to get it that way or you can go to a pro and get it done that way

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

my hair is exactly like that lol...

you cut your hair really short on top and try to leave the most you can on the bottom back and use extension to make the bottom even longer. Most of its extensions.

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

its called emo... but like most hair salons wount understand that. just take a piture into them and they should be able to cut it. also youll need to str8en it a certian way. good luck

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

ok first it's not emo that's scene hair lol and you need it's alot so pay attention!!! you need:

to go to the salon adn take that pic with you and say

i want shoreter layers at the top longer layers at teh bottom

a side bang a huge long one so you can pin to the side and make sure it's all razored

lots and lots of hairspray and a brush and more hairspray lol and teaser comb and more hairspray !!! lol

ohh and yea extenstions are need perfered clip in extenstions getting osme myself!!!

閳?br> go to and type up tease your hair and stuff like that or type in big poofy hair and you;ll get video's on how to tease it adn get it big and scene

i have short scene hair!! X_x

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

hey i asked this question before to and wanted my hair to have CRAZY layers okay this hair cut isn't called emo it's actually scene (scene : is like emo however people who have scene hair usually have crazy layers colors, cuts, etc )

any ways you can either grow your hair long like that (or till you desere) or you can and extensions on to your hair which looks just as good after you get it cut. you want to get your hair :

layered...... (and maybe razord' which is what i got and that's when they get a ...razor and make your hair a little thinner than what it is now "if you already have thin hair dont get this " "i have thick hair which is good for this look" than they put choppy layers in

dye...... it*optinal* (if you get it dyed and want it 100% scene you want to get it dyed black or leave it the same and then get streaks of brite colors in like pink blue purple,...etc.

side swept bangs...... (a most to achieve main look)

well i hope that helped

bye :)

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

it's just long (put up to make it look a bit messy in the back) also has two dyed stripes that are white.not frayed,not layered. just long straight hair.

side note: it should not be called "emo". the only reason they act this way is because somethings going on in their life and people around them won't accept them for who they are.

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

I know a couple of emo girls who were all sorts of colors and hairstyles.There's this 1 girl,that weres her hair over her shoulders 2 inches and it's blonde.But it's got black like 4 inches on all of her ends.Then theres this other girl who has a short hair cut that's a little bit over her ears and its like one of those darken orange.Just orange.And u can tell that se yed it.But it's not like it's a screamen orange.[bright orange,when i ment screamen orange]

How do you get your hair to that girl emo style?

Um, first of just get a layered cut, dye it black, and tease it alot.

Whats ur opinion on syling ur hair like an anime character or emo person?

i have mine looking like the guy from deathnote i dont know his name but he has brown hair and hes always has an apple in the intro of deathnote

Whats ur opinion on syling ur hair like an anime character or emo person?

If you mean Light, then your hair is awesome XD

Whats ur opinion on syling ur hair like an anime character or emo person?

he's kira..or light... i think it's cool. :)

Whats ur opinion on syling ur hair like an anime character or emo person?

To each his own.

Do you have to have a long hair to be an emo?

No, why would you have to? You can look however you want and still classify yourself as emo.

Do you have to have a long hair to be an emo?


Do you have to have a long hair to be an emo?

not at all, shorter hair (wiht fringes) is easier to style, it looks better too in my opinion. xx

Do you have to have a long hair to be an emo?

Just a flop fringe lol.

Do you have to have a long hair to be an emo?

i thort most emos had short hair...

Do you have to have a long hair to be an emo?

Emo's are weak and pathetic. I have no sympathy for them. You don't have to have long hair.... just dye it black and spend two hours in the morning doing it and then tell people that you don't care what they think.

Do you have to have a long hair to be an emo?

Mmm. Depends, actaully. I find emos, extremeley attractive... but their hair, should be some where around eyes length. You should add me to myspace. o:

Do you have to have a long hair to be an emo?

no you can have it sort of midlength, but its usually black and partly over the eyes

Do you have to have a long hair to be an emo?

just b urself....dnt change

Do you have to have a long hair to be an emo?

no you dont have to just have long hair, this is some examples of the short hair

Do you have to have a long hair to be an emo?

No...but why label yourself you...don't follow any a leader...

Emo a curly,thick .frizz hair?

what easy-to-do hairstyle that looks neat and good.....with the bangs in one side ..but the rest of the hair????

Emo a curly,thick .frizz hair?

It would be helpful if i knew if you were male or female?

For female hair,

Try straighteners.

For male hair,

the one in the middle, he has cool hair. I forgot his name though.

And why is this question in the music section?

Emo a curly,thick .frizz hair?

I guess what my kid asks me to help with sometimes-use products and a good straightening iron.

Emo a curly,thick .frizz hair?

A straightener and a side part

Emo a curly,thick .frizz hair?

yeah. you cant have really curly hair for the generic emo look.

you should straighten it. theres a way to get it permanently straightened too called a Japanese Perm.

i hope you get the style your looking for! =]

[though i dont see how emo exists anymore, but i won't rant about that.]

I have strawberry blonde hair and with the emo style if i dye my hair black will it ruin it?

if i die it black and i want 2 go back 2 my original colour can i?

I have strawberry blonde hair and with the emo style if i dye my hair black will it ruin it?

I don't know but don't do it, ugh/

I have strawberry blonde hair and with the emo style if i dye my hair black will it ruin it?


I have strawberry blonde hair and with the emo style if i dye my hair black will it ruin it?

Yeah...the hair dresser can strip the dye out...or can dye it close to ur natural colour if u change ur mind...

I have strawberry blonde hair and with the emo style if i dye my hair black will it ruin it?

Yep coz it wont affect your hair roots so it will be like before

I have strawberry blonde hair and with the emo style if i dye my hair black will it ruin it?

why would you die your beautiful hair could but why not leave perfect alone!!

I have strawberry blonde hair and with the emo style if i dye my hair black will it ruin it?

yes, but make shure you want your natural shade back because if you dye your hair to much it'll start to break off. good luck!

I have strawberry blonde hair and with the emo style if i dye my hair black will it ruin it?

If it's permanent, it will take a VERY long time to grow out, and can be expensive to have the colour stripped. I definately wouldn't recommend dying over the black to get close to your original colour, it'll probably go very wrong and damage your hair a lot.

Even temporary black dyes take quite a long time to fade, but it won't damage your hair much, and it will fade after a couple of months. Definately try with a temp dye before you go permanently black.

I have strawberry blonde hair and with the emo style if i dye my hair black will it ruin it?

Don't do it. Buy a wig and see if you like it first.

I have strawberry blonde hair and with the emo style if i dye my hair black will it ruin it?

ya it will my friend did that and her hair turned burrnet with some blond in it it looked horrible

I have strawberry blonde hair and with the emo style if i dye my hair black will it ruin it?

Yes, but remember that if you have naturally light hair you will look funny with black hair if you don't wear black mascara and black brows. Black hair with light eyebrows and lashes is just ugly.

I have strawberry blonde hair and with the emo style if i dye my hair black will it ruin it?


dont do it,


(no offence)

but like yeah.

keep it blond add some other colours like pink or blue or purple.

dont go black...

my hair is sbapping falling out coz i went black to strawberry and i regret it osoo much

I have strawberry blonde hair and with the emo style if i dye my hair black will it ruin it?

You'll want to try the Famous Times Six Website:

They sell authentic hair extensions with stripes made from real human hair. I buy all my hair from there!

They have a lot of colours to choose from too.

clip in coon tail striped hair extensions are best because-

- you don't ruin your hair with dye

- they don't grow out

- you can put them in and take them off

- they can last you forever

- they're cheap

- they look like the real thing

- they wont go all frizzy and weird like real hair does when it's dyed, it'll just look like part of your hair.

- You can change your look really easily

-won't go against any school or work dress codes as you can take them out!

I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?

whats a good site to show me pics of different styles?

I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?

just google it ...put the ''pictures'' filter and you'll see a lot of posers ...

I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?


I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?

EMO SUCKS dot com

I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?

just do it how you feel comfortable

I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?

just make your own..

isn't that what emo is about?

I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?

Hi there,

Try this website:

Or just type in emo haircut/style into google - you'll find loads of things.

Good luck!


I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?

just dont please for your health and our

I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?

emo means that you cut yourself, it's not a type of fashion. I think you mean Gothic.

I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?

google images?

I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?

u can go to to find some cool cuts or u can just get some hair style magazines instead of searching on the web.Best of luck my friend. :)

I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?

just go to google and type in emo/scene hairstyles. good luck!!

I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?


I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?


im smart.

I wanna get my hair back to my emo cutt ...?

try these:

and this:

sexyy =]

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still beli

please help im so confused

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

If anyone tells you that you can't believe in God because you're labeled 'emo' don't listen to them. Can jocks believe in God? Can preps believe in God? For goodness sakes, people that break the law believe in God, there's absolutely no reason that you can't.

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

"Emo" is a label. It doesn't affect who you are or what you believe in.

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

of course.. why not? emo doesn't mean you have to be an atheist.

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

you can still believe in god if your emo

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

I think so....I am emo my hair is black and I believe in god and no1 will change my views....

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

sweetie, you can be purple with green hair and listen to polka music and still believe in god! dont listen to what ANYONE else says..... listen to your heart. "Emo" is a genre of music ...

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

Of course you can believe in God. Emo is just a label. I personally hate labels like emo, goth, prep, etc. Be yourself and don't worry about trying to fit into a certain stereotype.

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

!!! this is the stupidest question i've ever herd!

belive in what you want! dont let religion choose your music or music choose your religion.

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

yeah u can believe in god....emo is just a label!

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

"emo" is not a religion. who told you emo and christian were contradictory? that's totally not true.

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

yeah ur views dont change.. just ur appearance

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

Yes you can do whatever you want b/c you live in a free country. You can choose who too worship and you can wear anything you want to. If someone don't like it that's okay its only their opinion.

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

we have kids that go to youth group at our church with my sons.................they claim to be 'emo' and they love god. i'm sure god loves you just as much as he loves me, and i'm an old fogey! lol.

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

Of course! You can listen to most anything and look like anything and still believe in God. Emo is just a label, a stereotype.

I think your confusion lies in the concept that when music or a specific culture (in this case "emo" culture i guess) is associated with specific sins or something seen as immoral (cutting, suicide, blah blah blah).

However, all this has NOTHING to do with a belief in God. You can believe in God no matter who you are. If you truly believe in Him, don't worry. If you listen to Him, He will keep you away from things that are seen as sinful in His eyes.

If your emo can you still belive in god? i like died my hair black i love emo music but i still belive in god?

Apparently you've never listened to Relient K (pop-punk/emo)or Underoath(scremo) who are both christian bands.What you listen to or wear has nothing to do with religion.