And what's it called? Here's a pic...
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? ask the emo people maybe they might know
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? wear a wig or ask a hairdresser if they can do it.
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? go to greatclips:]
they screw hair up like that
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? a hair cut
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? lots of coloration?
not really a hair person...
ask an emo chick.
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? Um, dye it black, which kills your hair, then don't wash it or brush it for about a week by the looks of it, and voila! emo hair!
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? Make your bangs be over one of your eyes thats what my friend does and she is emo and she looks major emo!
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? That looks like a hard style.
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? any hair dresser can do it for you it aint hard just a lot of thining!
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? Print off the picture, and bring it to a hairstylist. They should be able to do it buy looking at your picture.
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? dye it black and lots of hairspay to get it that way or you can go to a pro and get it done that way
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? my hair is exactly like that lol...
you cut your hair really short on top and try to leave the most you can on the bottom back and use extension to make the bottom even longer. Most of its extensions.
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? its called emo... but like most hair salons wount understand that. just take a piture into them and they should be able to cut it. also youll need to str8en it a certian way. good luck
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? ok first it's not emo that's scene hair lol and you need it's alot so pay attention!!! you need:
to go to the salon adn take that pic with you and say
i want shoreter layers at the top longer layers at teh bottom
a side bang a huge long one so you can pin to the side and make sure it's all razored
lots and lots of hairspray and a brush and more hairspray lol and teaser comb and more hairspray !!! lol
ohh and yea extenstions are need perfered clip in extenstions getting osme myself!!!
閳?br> go to and type up tease your hair and stuff like that or type in big poofy hair and you;ll get video's on how to tease it adn get it big and scene
i have short scene hair!! X_x
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? hey i asked this question before to and wanted my hair to have CRAZY layers okay this hair cut isn't called emo it's actually scene (scene : is like emo however people who have scene hair usually have crazy layers colors, cuts, etc )
any ways you can either grow your hair long like that (or till you desere) or you can and extensions on to your hair which looks just as good after you get it cut. you want to get your hair :
layered...... (and maybe razord' which is what i got and that's when they get a ...razor and make your hair a little thinner than what it is now "if you already have thin hair dont get this " "i have thick hair which is good for this look" than they put choppy layers in
dye...... it*optinal* (if you get it dyed and want it 100% scene you want to get it dyed black or leave it the same and then get streaks of brite colors in like pink blue purple,...etc.
side swept bangs...... (a most to achieve main look)
well i hope that helped
bye :)
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? it's just long (put up to make it look a bit messy in the back) also has two dyed stripes that are white.not frayed,not layered. just long straight hair.
side note: it should not be called "emo". the only reason they act this way is because somethings going on in their life and people around them won't accept them for who they are.
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? I know a couple of emo girls who were all sorts of colors and hairstyles.There's this 1 girl,that weres her hair over her shoulders 2 inches and it's blonde.But it's got black like 4 inches on all of her ends.Then theres this other girl who has a short hair cut that's a little bit over her ears and its like one of those darken orange.Just orange.And u can tell that se yed it.But it's not like it's a screamen orange.[bright orange,when i ment screamen orange]
How do you get your hair to that girl emo style? Um, first of just get a layered cut, dye it black, and tease it alot.