Monday, May 7, 2012

How to I get my hair to do that flippy emo thing?

Yes I said emo. Kill me. But how else would you describe it? Anyways, do I use hairspray? Ok go.

How to I get my hair to do that flippy emo thing?

What? Mary Tyler Moore is an emo? I did not know.

How to I get my hair to do that flippy emo thing?

grow it longer and get long long bangs but cut off the back

How to I get my hair to do that flippy emo thing?

Try this stuff....I think it's actually called "GLUE" that will hold your hair wo any shape you want!

How to I get my hair to do that flippy emo thing?

you have to be born with it it's natural.

How to I get my hair to do that flippy emo thing?

im not sure wht you mean

How to I get my hair to do that flippy emo thing?

I would say go to a professional and show them the picture that you want and they'll be glad to show you. Its all in the cut and the product.

How to I get my hair to do that flippy emo thing?

grow it out like anakins

(star wars episode III)

then straiten it

How to I get my hair to do that flippy emo thing?

lol flippy emo thing? use a Buffer a buffer is a Big fat culer but its way bigger all u do is hold it in the spot you want the flip then after a min let it go. no rolling needed u can find a buffer at the beauty supply store

How to I get my hair to do that flippy emo thing?

I would say DON'T in my opinion. Emoes all look like clones anyway, why would you want hair like that?

Grow it out, brush it in desired direction regularly, hairspray or gel it and after a while it'll begin to take natual form?

How to I get my hair to do that flippy emo thing?

It just happened for me naturally. I started to grow my hair out really long, so I swept it to one side so I could see better, and then just grew like perfectly without any gels or watever.

How to I get my hair to do that flippy emo thing?

you can gel it or use hairspray...

if you ask me, the "emo thing" sends people that message and it's a bit over-rated... But you're free to do whatever you want ^^

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