Friday, April 20, 2012

Do i ask an emo friend 2 cut my hair or do i go 2 somewere professinol?

i still dont kno how i want 2 cut my hair so u have any ideas on an emo look 2 i would be alot of help

Do i ask an emo friend 2 cut my hair or do i go 2 somewere professinol?

well can ur friend actually cut hair?

Do i ask an emo friend 2 cut my hair or do i go 2 somewere professinol?

if you want that look, go to a pro. chances are that emo friend is sooo depressed, that they will use the scissors to cut themselves.....yawn. why would you want your hair and a lifestyle like that?

Do i ask an emo friend 2 cut my hair or do i go 2 somewere professinol?

Go to a professional. That is always the best choice.

Do i ask an emo friend 2 cut my hair or do i go 2 somewere professinol?

GO TO A PROFESSIONAL! if ur friend is emo dont let sissors any where near her, she might be tempted to hurt herself with them

Do i ask an emo friend 2 cut my hair or do i go 2 somewere professinol?

ha ha emo haircut?? Cliche. Come up with something yourself. Be original kid. Don't just follow the trend.

Do i ask an emo friend 2 cut my hair or do i go 2 somewere professinol?

id say go ot a professional cuz ur friend is probly not a hair stylist and might mess up badd on ur hair...but wen u go to the professional u might wanna take a friend with you that already has the hair cut u that the professional has an example to look at..or u can find a picture of the haircut u want so that helps the stylist get u the hair cut u want exactly

good luckk = ]

Do i ask an emo friend 2 cut my hair or do i go 2 somewere professinol?

u should bring a picture of how u want ur hair to look to a professional. ask for the stylist who gives the best hair cuts, if they cant find that stylist. look through some of the stylist profiles of clients hair that they have cut. hope u have a good cut!

Do i ask an emo friend 2 cut my hair or do i go 2 somewere professinol?

Go to a professional. Try to take some pictures with you. Look at magazines with hair styles; and go early enough to check out the hairstye books in the shop. Good Luck.

Do i ask an emo friend 2 cut my hair or do i go 2 somewere professinol?

NEVER ask an emo friend to cut your hair! GO PRO!!!

Do i ask an emo friend 2 cut my hair or do i go 2 somewere professinol?

just me personaly...i would NEVER trust one of my friends to cut my hair....i love em but they have no idea what they are doing!!!

as for emo styles....go to and images search emo, emo hair styles, and what not. thats what i do.

also, i find that by going to the local beauty school since the girls are more my age they get my hair style closer to what i want it then if i go to someone my mom's age (they seemto want to poof it up and hair spray it and just no wear near what i wanted). i find the best hair cuts to be from the people who seem to have the same style as i do.

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