Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Emo-ish/scene-ish hair?

in a week im gonna get my hair cut and i want kind the emo or scene look. i already have pics but im still not sure wat i want. so some cool hair pics would be appreciated.

also i want to dye my hair really dark brown but not black b/c im not allwoed too. but is there any advise you can give me to talk my mom into letting me do it permanent?

Emo-ish/scene-ish hair?

well she can only punish you once for dying it black, but dont tell her i said so.

Emo-ish/scene-ish hair?


Emo-ish/scene-ish hair?

ill go for the third cut!

Emo-ish/scene-ish hair?

the first 1 is cutee ((:

Emo-ish/scene-ish hair?

Scene hair is out. and no, you definately shouldn't dye your hair black if you have naturally light hair. It will stain and be VERY hard to get out, once you tire of looking like a swamp monster...

You should get a haircut to frame your face and show off your beauty and your best features. Not hide it behind a curtain of shaggy, chopped up hair!

Also, you have to remember not everyone can pull off scene hair. I'm a small person, but when everyone first started doing it, I did it, and my friends told me my face wasn't the right shape for it. I have big cheeks, so it looked stupid..... Just remember, because it looks good on the girl in the picture, it might not look so great on you, so choose wisely!

Emo-ish/scene-ish hair?

the first one , fo' shoo'

Emo-ish/scene-ish hair?

The first and third ones are really cute, I am trying to get my mom to let me dye my hair black so when you get a way..msg me :P

Emo-ish/scene-ish hair?

yer ******* lame. emo/scene hair is ugly and soon you will be ugly, if not uglier, too.

Emo-ish/scene-ish hair?

The choppy messed up hair is definately the way forward!

I like the 2nd cut, but remember, you are not that girl and you (I'm sure) will have a different face shape and bone shape.

So explain that you want a sweeping fringe and a choppy messed up structure but listen to what your stylist has to say because they will know what suits you best. And if you can print the picture off and take it to your hairdresser, this will give them a much better idea!

I know you're not going to like this but; I wouldn't advise anyone to dye their hair black.

My reasons are that it's difficult to keep in good condition without buying expensive products (due to it being such a dark colour hair can get very dry). When you dye your hair it strips away the natural protecive in your strands and I think black is (second to bleaching) a very abrasive colouring.

Also, when you decide to change from black, it's very hard to do this subtley, as virtually no lighter colour will take to dyed black hair and if you grow it out you are left with nasty looking roots!

If you're really stuck on dying black still, why not bargain with your mum to let you have slices?

This is where odd pieces of hair (usually about 2/3inches wide) are dyed a different colour to your natural. This wouldn't look too overboard and would give texture to the messy cut you're going for!


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