Thursday, April 26, 2012

How am i supposed to get an emo/scene haircut without cutting my hair??????

okay so i want an emo haircut but i just grew my hair out and my mom doesnt want me to cut it plz help

How am i supposed to get an emo/scene haircut without cutting my hair??????

I think you shold blow it out and make it poofy. If you have layers, make htem edgy by styling them with strong gel and hairspray.

How am i supposed to get an emo/scene haircut without cutting my hair??????

wear all black, rock band t-shirts, black wristbands, you get were im going?

How am i supposed to get an emo/scene haircut without cutting my hair??????

okay this viedo should show you how?!?



How am i supposed to get an emo/scene haircut without cutting my hair??????

a lot of "scene" haircuts are still long they just have layers, try showing her examples and telling her that it will still be long, just a different style.

also, try explaining that it's you're hair and you're the one who has to live with it and that you want a cut you'll feel comfortable having and something that makes you feel confident.

How am i supposed to get an emo/scene haircut without cutting my hair??????

Oh, hunny.... scene hair is the modern equivalent of the 80's "flock of seagulls" hair... in 10 years, all of these emo kids are going to look back and think "what the f*ck was I thinking??"

However, if you really want a hairstyle like this, you should try back-combing or ratting certain areas of your head to make them stand up more, and using a lot of hairspray and hair wax. I've also noticed that a lot of those hairstyles incorporate very bold, contrasting colors... Are you able to color your hair? If so, I've noticed that platinum blonde, black, and a bright, neon color (such as pink or green) is a popular combination of colors.

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